
Generation Next provides education and information about the prevention and management of mental illness in youth to professionals, young people and the wider community. Our objective is to raise community awareness of mental illness through increasing mental health literacy, reducing associated stigma and positively influencing individual and community behaviour to improve the mental health of young people. Read more »

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Think you’re good at multi-tasking? Here’s how your brain compensates – and how this changes with age

May 21st, 2024|

Peter Wilson, Australian Catholic University We’re all time-poor, so multi-tasking is seen as a necessity of modern living. We answer work emails while watching TV, make shopping lists in meetings and listen to podcasts when doing the dishes. We attempt [...]

Switching off from work has never been harder, or more necessary. Here’s how to do it

May 21st, 2024|

Jane Gifkins, Griffith University In the hit dystopian TV series Severance, employees at biotech corporation Lumon Industries find it easy to separate work and home life. A computer chip is inserted in their brains to act as a “mindwipe”. They [...]

Stuck in fight-or-flight mode? 5 ways to complete the ‘stress cycle’ and avoid burnout or depression

May 21st, 2024|

Theresa Larkin, University of Wollongong and Susan J. Thomas, University of Wollongong Can you remember a time when you felt stressed leading up to a big life event and then afterwards felt like a weight had been lifted? This process [...]

The GN podcast with Andrew Fuller: Virtual Autism – Technology and the developing brain of young people

Join Andrew Fuller as he chats with guest Dr Rachael Sharman on virtual autism and the effects of technology on the human brain in the developing minds of young people. Adolescents and young children in a technology dependent world Is [...]

February 19th, 2024|

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